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An assessment of the awareness about referral linkages for support services to enhance adherence to HIV care and treatment in Dire Dawa, Ethiopia

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dc.contributor.author Tesfaye, Zelalem
dc.date.accessioned 2021-02-23T06:30:18Z
dc.date.available 2021-02-23T06:30:18Z
dc.date.issued 2009-08-31
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iifphc.org/handle/123456789/1155
dc.identifier.uri https://nadre.ethernet.edu.et/record/2075#.YDSeY2hKiUk
dc.description.abstract Background: Given the critical role of adherence in a successful ART program, strategies to support PLHIV to adhere to care and treatment should be developed and providers of care, partners, community members and PLHIV must be involved. Objectives: The objective was to assess the level of awareness and existing practices in relation to referral linkages for support services that were meant to enhance adherence to care and treatment. The study targeted on PLHIV on ART and staff selected from health facilities and organizations providing support and was conducted in Dire Dawa. Methods: The study utilized a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods that included across sectional facility based survey with FGDs, IDIs, documents reviews and participatory observations respectively while it was conducted from April to June2009. Results:A total of 136PLHIV on ARV were randomly included in the study. Family size and education, which facilitated disclosure of HIV status affected, were among the determinant factors towards access and utilization of educational materials and referral for support services for an improved adherence and health status of PLHIV. Maximizing access and utilization of referral for support services enhanced adherence and improved health status of PLHIV. The use of any reminders had positive impact on adherence. Conclusions: The coordination that strengthened the systems to maximally access and utilize referral for support services improved and enhanced health and adherence addressing needs of PLHIV in care and treatment and resolving problems encounter by care providers.
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher University of Gondar
dc.subject HIV/AIDS
dc.title An assessment of the awareness about referral linkages for support services to enhance adherence to HIV care and treatment in Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
dc.type Thesis

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