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Prevalence and Associated Factors of Induced Abortion among Reproductive Age Group Military Women in South Command Military Camp, Hawassa, Ethiopia.

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dc.creator Damte, Ephrem
dc.date 2023-07-10T13:56:29Z
dc.date 2023-07-10T13:56:29Z
dc.date 2023-05
dc.date.accessioned 2024-01-31T07:02:57Z
dc.date.available 2024-01-31T07:02:57Z
dc.identifier http://etd.hu.edu.et//handle/123456789/3616
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iphce.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/2824
dc.description Background: Each year, throughout the world, approximately 210 million women become pregnant and over 135 million of them deliver live born infants. The remaining 75 million pregnancies end in stillbirth, or spontaneous or induced abortion. It was estimated that in 2003 approximately 42 million pregnancies were voluntarily terminated: 22 million safely and 20 million unsafely. Induced abortion is one of the major medical and public health problems in developing countries including Ethiopia. Objective: The objective of the study was determining the prevalence and identifying associated factors of induced abortion among reproductive age group military women in south command military camp. Methods and materials: facility based cross-sectional study was employed among 584 reproductive age military women living in South Command Camp between February to May 2023 G.C. The collected data from a structured self-administered questionnaire was entered to a computer using Kobo toolbox by two nurse data collectors and analyzed using IBM statistical package for social science version 20.0. Descriptive statistics was used to describe the study variables. And logistic regression analysis was used to assess the relevant effect of determinants. P-value less than 0.05 were considered as statistically significant. Result: During the study period 539 women were participated yielding 92.3% response rate. Among respondents who have ever been pregnant (174), about 55(31.6%), 63 (36.2%) and 56(32.2%) have had one, two and three pregnancies respectively in their life, of which there were a total 78 abortions. The prevalence of induced abortion was reported by 57 women (10.58%) of total abortions. Comparing those women who never used post pill, those who have ever used post pill were about 5 times more likely (AOR (95%CI) = 5.87 (1.98, 17.42)) to have induced abortion. Those women who ever faced unplanned pregnancy are about 28 times more likely (AOR (95%CI) = 28.24 (8.82, 90.45)) to have induced abortion. Regarding the number of pregnancy in their life time, those who had two pregnancies were about 85% less likely (AOR (95%CI) =0.15 (0.04, 0.60)), and those who had more than three pregnancies were about 81% less likely (AOR (95%CI) =0.19 (0.06, 0.66)) to have induce abortion.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en_US
dc.publisher HU
dc.title Prevalence and Associated Factors of Induced Abortion among Reproductive Age Group Military Women in South Command Military Camp, Hawassa, Ethiopia.
dc.type Thesis

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