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Health- promoting health services: Personal health documents and empowerment

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dc.contributor.author Jerden, Lars
dc.date.accessioned 2020-11-06T06:55:21Z
dc.date.available 2020-11-06T06:55:21Z
dc.date.issued 2007-06-30
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iifphc.org/handle/123456789/840
dc.description Available at ACIPH Library
dc.description.abstract In 2003, the Swedish Parliament adopted a national public health policy that included the domain - "A more health-promoting health service". Strategies and tools are needed in the work to reorient health services. Personal health documents are documents concerning a person's health, and are owned by the individual. Several studies that have evaluated such documents indicate that they could be of interest in health-promotion work. However, there is insufficient knowledge concerning personal health documents that target adolescents, and little is known about the feasibility of such documents in a Swedish cultural context. The concept of empowerment is gaining increased interest for health services, but the associations between empowerment, self-rated health and health behaviour are sparsely studied. The overall aim of the thesis is to explore a strategy - empowerment - and a tool - personal health documents - that might facilitate the work of the public health goal of a health-promoting health service. Specific aims are to examine the feasibility of using personal health documents in health promotion; to examine professionals' experiences of working with health promotion and personal health documents; to examine the association between personal health documents and self-reported health behaviour change; and to examine the perception of empowerment in relation to self-rated health and health behaviour among adolescents. Two personal health documents that targeted adults and adolescents were developed and evaluated. Distribution to adults in different settings was compared in a cross-sectional study (n = 1 306). Adolescents received the document in school, and surveys were performed at baseline and after one year (n = 339). Practical use and attitudes by document owners were studied by questionnaires. Teachers (n = 69) answered a questionnaire, and community health nurses were interviewed (n = 12). The interviews also explored nurses' experiences of working with health promotion in general, and were analysed by qualitative methodology. Adolescents' empowerment was examined by a questionnaire (n = 1 046). Most participants reported reading in the documents; writing in the documents varied between 16% (distribution in occupational health) and 87% (adolescents). The health document was perceived as useful by 35% of the adolescents. Factors significantly related to personal usefulness were being born outside Sweden, experiencing fair treatment by teachers, being a non-…...................... Dissertation available at ACIPH Library
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher ACIPH
dc.subject Health services
dc.title Health- promoting health services: Personal health documents and empowerment
dc.type Dissertation

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